heirloom-hd | Collection of standard Unix utilities (hd) | |
heirloom-more | Collection of standard Unix utilities (more) | |
heirloom-od | Collection of standard Unix utilities (od) | |
heirloom-printenv | Collection of standard Unix utilities (printenv) | |
heirloom-printf | Collection of standard Unix utilities (printf) | |
heirloom-random | Collection of standard Unix utilities (random) | |
heirloom-sleep | Collection of standard Unix utilities (sleep) | |
heirloom-split (V) | Collection of standard Unix utilities (split) | |
heirloom-sum | Collection of standard Unix utilities (sum) | |
heirloom-tcopy | Collection of standard Unix utilities (tcopy) | |
heirloom-time | Collection of standard Unix utilities (time) | |
hexd | Colourful, human-friendly hexdump tool for reverse engineering | |
heyu | Home Automation Software for the X10 CM11A | |
howm | Write fragmentarily and read collectively | |
hs-cabal-install-solver | Solver component used in cabal-install command-line program | |
hs-extra | Extra functions for the standard Haskell libraries | |
hs-magic | Interface to C file/magic library | |
hs-pager | Open up a pager, like 'less' or 'more' | |
ibutton-pdkit | 1-Wire Public Domain Kit Version 2.00 | |
incidenceeditor | KDE PIM incidence editor | |
indi | Implementation of the Instrument-Neutral-Device-Interface protocol | |
ipbt | High-tech ttyrec player | |
iselect | Curses based Interactive Selection Tool | |
iwatch | Watch the command output with interval timer | |
ja-less | Less + zcat + ISO-2022 + UTF-8 - a pager similar to more and pg | |
ja-man | Japanese on-line manual pages of NetBSD | |
JBidwatcher | Software for eBay sniping, bidding and monitoring | |
jhd | Japanese Hexadecimal Dump | |
JMdict | Japanese-Multilingual electronic dictionary | |
kaccessible | Provides accessibility services like focus tracking for KDE | |
kaddressbook | KDE contact manager | |
kalzium | Periodic table of elements | |
kanjidic | Japanese Kanji information | |
kanjidic2 | Japanese Kanji information | |
kanjipad | Japanese handwriting recognition | |
katbin-cli | CLI for katbin | |
kbruch | KDE exercise fractions | |
kcharselect | KDE character selector | |
kcontacts | Address book API for KDE | |
kdav | DAV protocol implemention with KJobs | |
kde-gtk-config (V) | Plasma5 GTK2 and GTK3 Configurator | |
kde-wallpapers4 | Wallpapers for the KDE integrated X11 desktop | |
kdeartwork4 | Artwork for the KDE integrated X11 desktop | |
kdeedu-data | Common data for KDE Edu applications | |
kdepim-runtime | Extends the functionality of kdepim | |
kdeplasma-addons4 | Plasmoids | |
kdialog | KDE utility for displaying dialog boxes from shell scripts | |
kdrill | Kanji quiz and japanese dictionary | |
keditbookmarks | KDE Bookmark Organizer and Editor | |
kemoticons | Support for emoticons and emoticons themes | |
kf6-attica | Qt5 library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API | |
kf6-kcontacts | Address book API for KDE | |
kf6-kdav | DAV protocol implemention with KJobs | |
kf6-kquickcharts | QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts | |
kf6-kstatusnotifieritem | Implementation of Status Notifier Items | |
kf6-kunitconversion | Support for unit conversion | |
kfind | KDE Find Files/Folders | |
kgeography | KDE geography trainer | |
khard | CLI contacts application built around CardDAV | |
khelpcenter | Application to show KDE Applications' documentation | |
kidentitymanagement | Library for managing identitites | |
kig | KDE interactive geometry | |
kio-extras (V) | Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO | |
kiten | KDE Japanese reference/learning tool | |
klettres | KDE app to teach the alphabet and read some syllables in languages | |
kmag | KDE screen magnifier | |
kmousetool | KDE mouse manipulation tool | |
kmouth | KDE Speech Synthesizer frontend | |
knotes | Popup notes | |
kontact | KDE Personal Information Manager | |
kontactinterface | Kontact Plugin Interface Library | |
kp | The Keyboard Practicer, touch-type training program | |
kquickcharts | QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts | |
krita (V) | Raster graphics editor for digital painting | |
kstars | KDE desktop planetarium | |
kteatime | KDE Tea Cooker | |
ktouch | KDE touch typing tutor | |
kturtle | KDE educational programming environment | |
kunitconversion | Support for unit conversion | |
kuserfeedback | Collecting user feedback for applications via telemetry and surveys | |
kwordquiz | KDE flash card trainer | |
kwrited (V) | Plasma5 daemon listening for wall and write messages | |
kz_h8write | Flash writer for H8/3069F, mainly for KOZOS | |
labelnation | Command-line label, business card printing program | |
latin-words-bin | Latin-to-English dictionary program (Linux binary) | |
less | Pager similar to more and pg | |
libcarddav | CardDAV library | |
libcdio | CD-ROM access library | |
libcdio-paranoia | CD-ROM access library: CDDA support | |
libcec | USB CEC Adapter communication Library | |
libdivecomputer | Library for communication with dive computers | |
libgravatar | KDE PIM library providing Gravatar support | |
libjaylink | Access SEGGER J-Link and compatible devices | |
libkdepim | Libraries for KDE PIM applications | |
libkeduvocdocument | Common libraries for KDE Edu applications | |
libkkc-data | Language model data for libkkc | |
libmateweather | Weather information access library | |
libquantum | Quantum computing simulation library | |
libreoffice | Office productivity suite from The Document Foundation | |
libreoffice5-bin | Integrated office productivity suite (binary pkg) |